Public Realm & Bridge Place

Right from the start, our vision for Stockley House identified a key opportunity to significantly improve the public realm on Bridge Place and around the perimeter of Stockley House. Our ambition is to bring warmth and approachability to areas which have previously been neglected. The following key design principles were adopted during the design process:

  • Humanise the space, creating a welcoming and attractive ground floor environment.
  • Transform the pedestrian experience on Bridge Place, as it is currently an inhospitable and unwelcoming urban environment with limited disabled access.
  • Create active frontages and enhancement the footpaths, further enriching the experience for everyone who visits or passes through this area.
Consented public realm improvements to Bridge Place

CGI of proposed Bridge Place

Improvements to Bridge Place

On the ground floor, the diverse uses and entrances of the building will inject vibrancy into the area, transforming its facade and openness. This approach will enliven the ground level, enhance its accessibility and appeal, making it a more inviting and engaging space for everyone.

The proposals respond to the retained tunnel on Bridge Place by completely redesigning the pedestrian environment. There are large glazed, active frontages to the gym, cafe and residential entrances, making it a more appealing place to walk through.

The treatment of the elevations of the building on both sides of the tunnel on Bridge Place will provide visual interest with carved panels and good lighting to the facades, which will greatly improve the experience of walking under the tunnel.